Monday, July 30, 2018

Opinion: EpicReviewGuys


While I have no right to judge a YouTube Channel who's operators have far more experience and subscribers that I do, I would like to take the opportunity to speak to the value and niche that Chris and Parris have carved out of the vast productivity space that is YouTube. 

Businesses Everywhere, No Less for Wear

I live in California and there are probably hundreds of thousands of businesses here.  Parris and Chris make their business in Austin, Texas; in which I am certain that there are many thousands more businesses.  It was only a few days ago that I discovered EpicReviewGuys and yet they have been operating on YouTube more regularly and with far more videos that I ever did on my account.   Plus I've never even heard of them until now.  This stands as a testament to the capacity of YouTube for greatness, even to a lesser degree.  

Production Quality does not Negate Value

I've definitely seen a lot of both high production quality and low production quality videos on YouTube.  I think that the main reason that I have not produced more videos is that I struggle with wanting to create better quality and so I produce, nothing.  EpicReviewGuys didn't care about production quality (as much), but rather than be bogged down with that concern, they got to work producing.  And look where they are today.  The have hundreds of videos and millions of views (over 50 million as of this post). 

One of the best quotes regarding video production on YouTube that I have heard, and not just from Casey Neistat, is to "Just Start!"  It doesn't matter if your quality is junk or your camera is an old smartphone from 2011 or a point-and-shoot from 2007.  If you can take video then you should start making videos for YouTube.  You have to START somewhere. Even Marques Brownlee, in his earliest days of doing reviews of anything that he could get his hands on in his parent's home; at least he started.

Practice Makes Better (hopefully perfect)

From watching EpicReviewGuys I can definitely see where they began and the progress that they made over time.  Parris had his wife do a couple of reviews; it was not for her.  He had his kids in the videos many times, one of these videos was easily his top video by several million views.  But eventually, Chris stopped doing reviews and Parris' kids stopped being in the videos and it became just Parris. The Intro video (which is 4 years old) still has both Chris and Parris as the EpicReviewGuys, despite the lack of Chris' appearances in any videos after 2015.

It's easy to see the progress that Parris has made in the way that he began including title frames across the thumbnail image.  As time progressed these titles changed, larger font, more color.  In 2018 he began to to use an Orange frame and most of the thumbnails featured the core idea, rather than what appeared to be a random frame.  Very recently, he's been masking the background out with a single color for even more emphasis on the product.

Great Job, Making Progress!

I want to commend the EpicReviewGuys for reviewing everything under the Sun.  They didn't let view count or production quality, or really, much of anything stand between them and making reviews on YouTube.  They got started, they made progress and as they progressed, they improved.  

Do or Do Not, there is no Try - Yoda

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